The Results
Awesome work to all athletes who gave it at crack, and especially to all those Bankers who gave it their best in all 4 legs.
A summary of results from all the clubies on course are below (apologies if we have missed anyone – if so please let us know) and if you want to see in a bit more detail, check them out here.
Ironman Australia

Ironman 70.3 Port Macquarie

Anyone who has been through an ironman finishing chute, or cheered someone through an ironman finishing chute, knows that it is the ultimate highlight of the day. The finisher chute at Port Mac was no exception, although this time it was extra exciting seeing the top two pro male athletes finish within 46 seconds of each other. You don’t expect a sprint finish in the last 200m of an ironman, and it was incredibly exciting.
B.O.G. Award 

This race report was written by club President, Fiona Fewtrell.
If any SBTC clubbies are keen to help out with writing up a race report for an upcoming event, please email our Communications Officer at